Scientific Paper Presentation

Paper and Post Presentation

Guidelines for Practitioner Reports

Call for Abstracts Closed

This is a new category of oral and poster presentations. ‘Practitioner reports’ can showcase Practitioners/ NGOs/ Associations/ startups insights, experiences, significant learning related to AT user studies, trials, the end user community and their usage. 

  • The abstracts submitted in this category must contain the following: 
    • ​​​Indicate the type of submission: Practitioner Reportr 
    • Title of the report 
    • Objectives: State the main objective of the study 
    • Description of AT and its context of application/ program description/ implementation plan/ process description  
    • Program/project/implementation outcomes: Present the main outcomes/ learnings  
    • Conclusion/ Take home message 
    • Maximum of 1000 words 
  • ​​​Papers accepted for oral presentation: peer reviewed, non-archived presentations with talks of about 15 minutes duration  
  • Papers accepted for poster presentation: peer reviewed, non-archived poster presentation with talks of ​​5 minutes duration and poster display along with 10-minute short paper presentation. 

EMPOWER 2023 is open to all areas that can assist in the integration of people with special needs in the society. The areas include but are not limited to education, mobility and transport, health, communication and entertainment.   

We will recognize outstanding research presentations in various categories by presenting awards to the recipients. 

Please note that ALL submissions would be handled only through the EasyChair portal.

Please find the Submission Link: 

Submissions deadline for Scientific papers

24 July 2023

Notification of acceptance

14 August 2023
Paper presentation 1

Paper presentation 2

M Balakrishnan presenting a paper